Thursday, June 10, 2010

Police Exam Practice Question - Learn How to Answer Scenario Questions

On average a candidate will flunk the police officer exam at least once or twice before they get a passing score. You see it has become extremely difficult to move ahead in the hiring process nowadays as many departments now put more emphasis on the reasoning and judgment portion of the test. The judgment and reasoning section of the exam is designed to measure your ability to problem solve, and your reaction to varies situations while on patrol.

The judgment and reasoning section is usually loaded with scenario questions. Let's look at a one practice question below. Use good common sense in the information provided to come up with the right answer.

Police Exam Practice Question:

1. Officer Richardson was just dispatched to a domestic disturbance between a father and son. Upon his arrival, Officer Richardson notice that two other officers were already on scene, and was in a physical confrontation with the father. Officer Richardson immediately walked towards the two Officers to assist, but was confronted by the son with a broken beer bottle. Officer Richardson retrieved his departmental approved baton, but the son takes a swipe at his head anyways. What should he do next?

A. The Officer should ignore the combative son and help the other officers.

B. He should dodge every swing until the son gets tired.

C. Discharge his baton to the non-kill zone area of the son's body until he drops the bottle.

D. Turn away and run and call for back up.

Practice Question Explanation:

The correct course of action is C. Officer Richardson should immediately retrieve his departmental approved baton and strike the combative suspect in the department approved target area. If the son does not drop the bottle on the first strike, the officer should strike him a second time until he drops the bottle. You see, police officers are to use reasonable force to subdue a combative suspect that pose immediate risk of bodily injury to self or others. In this case, the suspect posed immediate danger to Officer Richardson and the two other Officers.

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